Walk and Heel
A step-by-step approach from Karen Pryor, demonstrating "walk" and "heel" with a puppy from the seminar audience, along with additional audio commentary. Karen demonstrates how to take your time and work on the behavior you are trying to obtain.
Near and Far:
Safely Integrate Long Line Equipment into Everyday Adventure
It’s easy to get roped in the mindset of only using a six-foot leash when we walk our dog. Handlers might not know that there are length variations. But how do we untangle the many options to choose the lead length that best suits training goals and care needs while taking into account safety for the caregiver, general public, and their canine companions?
How to Walk The Lead:
Loose-Lead Training
Walking with your dog on a loose lead is one of those essential skills, yet, for too many clients, it is an elusive skill. Let's see what we can do about that! Join this Lab to see how Chirag coaches a number of Lab participants and their dogs focusing on the skill of loose-lead walking.