E-BOOK The Clicked Retriever by Lana Mitchell
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by Lana Mitchell
Click your way to better obedience scores!
The retrieve is one of the most difficult skills for most dogs to master in competetive obedience. It is difficult becuase it involves a long series of steps that the dog must learn in order to retrieve the object successfully. More and more trainers are realizing that teaching a comples series of behaviors like this is most easily done through the use of clicker training — using the same techniques used by large animal trainers working with whales, dolphins and elephants.
The Clicked Retriever teaches you step-by-step how to clicker train your dog to do a solid, enthusiastic and reliable retrieve. Learning no-force techniques builds trust between you and your dog, makes training more enjoyable for both of you, and sets you up for life long training success built on scientific principles, respect and fun.
The Clicker Retriever:
- Gives you one of the best explanations of how to clicker train ever written
- Helps you understand why clicker techniques can improve your dog's obedience scores and consistency
- Teaches you how to train complex behaviors by breaking them down into more easily trainable segments — and then shows you how to link or "chain" them together to perform the skill
- Shows you how to apply retrieving skills to other activities such as Flyball and service dog training