Modern Horse Training: A Constructional Guide To Becoming Your Horse's Best Friend by Alexandra Kurland


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Step into the world of equine companionship as you embark on a journey filled with joy, laughter, and the magic that happens at the heart of the barn. Picture this: Your horse eagerly awaits your arrival at the gate, setting the tone for moments of connection, training triumphs, and exciting adventures.

Whether you're guiding a curious foal, starting a young horse under saddle, rehabilitating a rescue, cherishing a captivating mini, caring for an older retiree, or riding your trusty companion into a world of possibilities, Modern Horse Training is your guide to achieving excellence in equine performance.

Dream big with your horse—envision soaring over fences, riding a beautifully balanced dressage horse, exploring untamed wilderness on your trail companion, showcasing fancy tricks to entertain friends, or simply sharing a serene afternoon together. The possibilities are as vast as the bond you share.

In Modern Horse Training, excellence meets kindness. Discover the power of positive-reinforcement teaching strategies that foster willing cooperation. Each lesson is meticulously detailed, making it not only easy to follow but also a joy to teach.

This approach emphasizes more than just physical balance; it nurtures emotional harmony too. The ultimate goal? A content, joyful horse that actively chooses to be your companion.

Above all, Modern Horse Training is an ode to the love and fun that define the horse-human connection. Unleash the potential for a fulfilling journey with your equine friend—because with this guide, it's not just about training; it's about creating moments of pure joy and lasting bonds that will make every day at the barn truly special.